The computer decided to stop working on Sunday and so I have spent a few days without the capability to blog. I was amazed how many times I had the thought process to write something but then found repeatedly that I couldn't. Thankfully the computer got fixed and I am back. Hurrah for that.
A back-in-the-swing week so far in all other elements of life. Cupboards sorted. School reinstated, dog walks back to the normal programme. My work is gathering a pace again. I am trying so hard not to get weighed down with work. The only way I can describe it is like the seeping of a coloured dye over my thoughts; I am trying to make sure there is not too much seepage. I don't want work to dominate the colour of life again. But I do find that it takes up head space; space which in recent months has been blissfully empty. Is there ever a way to get balance?!
I am longing for Spring now...these winter days seem interminable. But gradually lighter evenings remind me that we will again have sun and warm breezes. At the moment it is grey. A grey day. And with these winter evenings, my slightly unhealthy relationship with cakes and chocolates runs amok and so I have decided (along with my too-tight not so skinny jeans) that it's time to stop. Note to self: must stop gorging myself. I figure a few pounds extra every winter is a downward spiral if I let it continue...
I've witnessed changes in my children of late. Little signallers of their maturity. When we were skiing, Boo stayed with the adults most of the time and I found (not that it was a surprise!) that she was great company; witty, wise and interesting. It's so great to see. And in my son, his sudden height and his bold face, maturing so that I can glimpse what he will be like as a young man. Each year I spend with them I think I have hit the best part, only to find that they get better and better as time goes on. I do feel vaguely conscious that I write that now, before the teenage years have hit. But I stand by it; your own children are the coolest people you could hope to meet. They make me grin :-)