My mind's eye...

Seriously, I am bad at change. You'd think I would have evolved by now or that some inner facility would take hold and see me navigate times of flux like the lucid, forward-thinking, grown up woman I should be. Honestly, when I imagine myself in my mind's eye I am much better at all of this! So we are in the throes of summer holidays, whilst I try to extract myself graciously from my job/career. So far so good but I would be lying if I said I didn't find all of this quite hard (can you tell? I am sure I have blogged about it!). My husband is changing jobs again too. The future feels decidedly unclear and wide open and I want to embrace that. But true to my introvert self, it isn't coming naturally...

I wrote about ageing and beauty and was mildly surprised by some of the comments I received. It made me wonder about this blog; the way I write it and why people read it. I sensed from commenters a frustration that I should be making any point at all about growing older and how it feels. I did what I usually do when I get a comment which makes me feel I've missed the mark; I checked with my fairy blogmother Simone whose wisdom is always correct. I think it's a fascinating topic and one that most people have a view on (evidently!).

...daphne selfe...
It looks like our house renovations can start in the Autumn so I am trying to map out how new doorways will open up the four hundred year old converted cottages that we live in. When we bought this house I remember not being able to believe that we had secured something so old and with so much character. A chocolate box house.

...the rose-covered outhouse in our garden...
I have returned to circuit training and am feeling the effect of muscles that aren't quite ready for the onslaught. I am amazed how quickly fitness departs when I take a break and how hard-won it is to get it back. No matter how much I train I keep coming back to the fact that yoga is the answer and helps with every part of life. It's just fitting it all in. Note to self: there will be time soon for all of that.

Happy mid-week!

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My mind's eye...
My mind's eye...
Reviewed by axiata
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Rating : 4.5