
Why is it that every item of clothing that I like is so expensive?!

Looking at my watch at 10.30am feels good, when I have already done the drop off x 2, gone running, bought food, walked the dog, tidied up...and, and, and...

What is it with building work? It always takes double the time they say it will. So excited though...

Will I still feel as welcoming of Autumnal weather in a month's time? I think so...

...pie gorgeous? via brown dress with white dots
In a flurry of inspiration this summer, I typed a page or two of observations that could or could not be made into an outline of a chapter of a book. As in my own book  - that I would write.

How did I ever find the time to hold down a job? ;-)

What's going on with Miley Cyrus and how does one explain it to my twelve year old daughter? Ditto the lyrics to the much-radio-played song 'Talk Dirty To Me...'?

Following on: is being able to 'twerk' a female requirement now?!

Is this gorgeous girl talented at photography and life-loving, or what?

Planning a trip to somewhere new next year - I want to return to America - thinking Florida, Boston, San Francisco? Thoughts...?

Will I ever be one of those people who is organised and clears the mess from dinner before bed rather than when I get up the next morning? Oh, to come down to a clean kitchen...

When my son says he misses me when he is at school, does he really or does he just wish he was home on the sofa watching DVDs? Mother is synonymous with home and comfort.

If I train every day (running, yoga, circuits) will I get properly fit?

Feeling ever so slightly intimidated having read the British Fashion Council's new blogger policy at London Fashion Week. I am not a fashion blogger but if I were, I'd feel suitably placed back in my box by now.

...good hair, good clothes, good glasses...generally good via patterson maker

Will I be able to curb my competitive mothering instinct when Boo plays hockey and refrain from shouting 'COME ON BOO!!!', drawing strange looks from my sideline peers!

Is there such a thing as the perfect winter boot? Yet to find it...and saddled with an affliction that has come with age; my feet are a half-size now, which rules out three quarters of the shoe manufacturers in the country who don't do half sizes. Thank goodness for Russell and Bromley, who do.

Thinking a fair bit about turning 40 next year - six months left of my thirties...

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